2 min read

This Hedgehog Knows Many Things

We reject the fox-and-hedgehog dichotomy and substitute our own. Be a savvy hedgehog.
Jerry and Meera on top of Munich's St. Peter's Church, looking out on the Munich Cathedral in the backgroup
Two savvy hedgehogs on top of Munich's St. Peter's Church.
A fox knows many things, but a hedgehog knows one big thing. — Archilochus

Isaiah Berlin, in his essay The Hedgehog and the Fox, divides writers, doers, and thinkers into two categories: 🦔 hedgehogs and 🦊 foxes.

The idea is that the fox knows many little things, and the hedgehog knows one big thing. The moral, as it’s usually told, is to be like the fox: flexible; diversified; ready for anything. Not like the hedgehog, which sees everything through the same lens.

We reject that dichotomy and substitute our own.

We insist on burrowing deeply into our passions. But we also refuse to stick to just one.  If the savvy hedgehog ends up knowing several big things, a few medium things, one gigantic thing, and some other stuff, it’ll be both savvy and satisfied.

We want to help you be a savvy hedgehog.

What Does That Mean?

Everybody likes to travel. Some people like to travel around the world, backpacking from hostel to hostel. Some people like to travel from their home to their friends' houses, or from their couch to their fridge. But the important thing about traveling is what you do when you get there.

So that's what this blog is about: what you do when you get there.

Maybe you love snow skiing, but you live in central Texas (that's us). We'll talk about how to fix that living-at-sea-level problem and making the most of your limited vacation days.

Maybe you love hiking, but you live in central Texas (us again). We'll talk about local hiking as well as cramming all your stuff and your friends in a car and driving for fifteen hours just to get outside.

Maybe you love sailing, but—actually, there's a lake just over an hour's drive from us, and it's a great place to sail. We'll probably talk about it a lot.

Maybe when you travel, your fondest dream is a gorgeous view, something to prop your feet on, and a delicious adult beverage. Or your trip to the fridge always turns up a unique local craft beer (or the ingredients to your dad's famous chili). Or your friend's house is somehow always populated with a board game you've never heard of.

Whatever you like to do when you get there—epic adventures, novel cocktails, beautiful photographs, board games with too many pieces, or nothing at all—we've gone down those rabbit holeshedgerows, and we like it down there.

Come join us.